Tag Archives: Iraq

Matt Taibbi: Meet the Censored — Chris Hedges

“Biden is a classic example of the traditional elites, who now are completely out of touch. Remember, he’s built an alliance with the traditional establishment of the Republican party, the old Liz Cheneys, and Bill Kristol, and all these people, who are appalled by the kind of cult-like Republican party that’s built up around Trump.”

How Corporations Won the War on Terror, by William Hartung

“To put such a figure in perspective, the $75 billion in Pentagon contracts awarded to Lockheed Martin that year was significantly more than one and one-half times the entire 2020 budget for the State Department and the Agency for International Development, which together totaled $44 billion.”

Updates: Afghanistan, Somalia, Syria, Iraq, by Women Against Military Madness

“Unless something changes, military skirmishes will continue between Iraq, Iran, Syria, Lebanon, Hamas in Palestine on the one hand, and the U.S. and its allied client-partners on the other, and may develop into a devastating new war in the Middle East.”

Independent Media with Laura Flanders and other current issues

“There is something deeply wrong with having our news brought to us by the same corporations that bring us our killing.”

Out of Iraq! No War on Iran! and Sami Rasouli on Iraq Caught in the Crossfire

“The American presence sets a target for American forces to be attacked by extremist elements, while also operating as a tripwire for a potential destructive and tragic war with Iran.”

The Wounds of War, Yemen, Iraq, Afghanistan with Kathy Kelly

Kathy Kelly speaks on The Wounds of War, Yemen, Iraq, Afghanistan with Kathy Kelly Kathy Kelly will also be speaking at the East Side Freedom Library on Friday, January 21: Tim Arango, The New York Times bureau chief in Baghdad from 2010 to 2017 noted that many people he had spoken with in Iraq said […]

Noam Chomsky: US Is a Rogue State and Suleimani’s Assassination Confirms It

“As for what the conflict is all about, the background reasons are not obscure. It has long been a primary principle of U.S. foreign policy to control the vast energy resources of the Middle East.”

No War for the Holidays! Take time this holiday season to speak out for peace.

Stop Endless U.S. Wars
Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria, Yemen & Everywhere
Say NO to U.S. War on Iran & North Korea
U.S. Hands Off Venezuela and Bolivia

Bernie Sanders Should Be Democrats’ First Choice, by Jeff Cohen

Why Bernie? Why not Biden?! Why not Warren?

Welcome to the Global Rebellion Against Neoliberalism, by Ben Ehrenreich

Something is happening here. But what? And why now? In the last 12 weeks, protests have spanned five continents—most of the planet

You Tube Censorship: Pieta Mothers of Sorrow

Not up to Youtube’s community guidelines!

Weaponized Social Media Is Driving the Explosion of Fascism, by Dr. Michael I. Niman

By 2016, sophisticated propagandists utilizing artificial intelligence algorithms driven by a seemingly limitless trove of data points on damn near every internet user, revolutionized social media-based psych-ops campaigns.

Minnesota Peace Action Coalition Statement on Trump’s Troop Withdrawal Plans

It’s clear the question is not “how” the troops will be brought home, but whether they will be brought home at all.

The Long, Brutal U.S. War on Children in the Middle East, by Kathy Kelly

When children waste away to literally nothing while fourteen million people face conflict driven famine, a hue and cry—yes, a caterwaul —most certainly should be raised, worldwide.

ACLU | Why the U.S. War on ISIS Is Illegal

No court has ever addressed the government’s legal justifications for military action in so many different parts of the world. Now, in a case brought by the ACLU, one court will.

Chris Hedges | The Permanent Lie, Our Deadliest Threat

Those who speak in the language of truth and fact are attacked as liars, traitors and purveyors of “fake news.”

‘Great Hunger’ by Kathy Kelly

We still could acquire a great hunger: a transforming hunger to share justice with our planetary neighbors.

Forty-Five Blows Against Democracy: How US Military Bases Back Dictators, Autocrats and Military Regimes by David Vine

This pattern of daily support for dictatorship and repression around the world should be a national scandal in a country supposedly committed to democracy.

Kathy Kelly | From Yemen to Iran, Syria and Iraq to the Horn of Africa, imperialism is on the march.

From Yemen to Iran, Syria and Iraq to the Horn of Africa, imperialism is on the march.

Tomgram: Engelhardt, The Teflon Wars (Demobilizing America)

A Nation Made by War and a Citizenry Unmade By It