Tag Archives: trump administration

Moral Intelligence or Nuclear War, by Robert C. Koehler

“To declare that nuclear weapons can only “legally” be used in retaliation for a nuclear strike hardly leaves me feeling safe. Are we left with a world continually at war with itself, with our best hope being that all future wars will be waged legally and politely?”

Key Witness in US Case Against Assange Changes His Story, by Joe Lauria

“This is the end of the case against Julian Assange.” -Edward Snowden

Henry Giroux: To End Racial Capitalism, We Will Need to Take On the Institution of Policing

“Police brutality is endemic to American history.” “Policing in the United States is a force of racist violence that is entangled at the core of the capitalist system.”

Chris Hedges on the Ruling Class’ Revenge Against Julian Assange

“The whole process has really been a mockery of the rule of law. Julian is not a U.S. citizen; WikiLeaks is not a U.S.-based publication.”


Anti-Asian Violence in America Is Rooted in US Empire

Exoticized and fetishized Asian American women have borne a dual burden of both racism and sexism, viewed on one hand as submissive and sexually available “lotus blossoms” and on the other as manipulative and dangerous “dragon ladies.”

As Far Right Storms Capitol, Media Need to Look at Their Own Role in How We Got Here

“Imagine if corporate media didn’t praise McConnell, Lindsey Graham or any other Republicans who propped up Trump’s dangerous lies for so long,”

Glenn Greenwald on the Biden Administration and Expanding Censorship with Chris Hedges

The Biden administration and what it will mean for a country in crisis…

How the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons Impacts the United States, and Why the United States Must Embrace its Entry into Force

“President-elect Biden faces many nuclear weapons policy challenges as he takes office. Under the Trump administration, the United States withdrew from [several key treaties around nuclear weapons issues] and did not extend New START, all while urging other countries to not join, or even to withdraw their ratifications to, the TPNW. The United States has a chance to return to the table on multilateral nuclear negotiations and build back better.”

Do Americans really care about war crimes? by Jared Keller

“So do war crimes matter to the average American? In the short term, it appears that war crimes and their related pardons are simply new battlegrounds in the ever-expansive culture war between left and right, liberals and conservatives, that seems to have enveloped modern politics rather than becoming matters of human dignity in their own right. And that’s a damn shame.”

Noam Chomsky: Our Stark, Cruel Dilemma

Address the reality of the world in which you are trying to make a change managed in the best way possible. e.g., National Highway Administration: No regulations on automobile emissions via Trump. Egregious approach of deniers when careful constructive solutions must be demanded by large actions to demand change.

Cornel West: We Must Fight the Commodification of Everybody and Everything

[Trump] is pushing the country toward genuine fascism: wholesale disregard of the law, the rule of big military, the rule of big money, Wall Street, and Silicon Valley. He is crushing workers, marginalizing women, scapegoating Mexicans, and Muslims, and Jews, and Black, brown, and indigenous people.”

Chris Hedges: Chris Hedges on Fascism, Civil Unrest, and the Police State

“I expect serious problems in terms of civil unrest and I expect pretty draconian responses from our internal security systems, and you can look at Ferguson to get a sense of what that looks like: that’s militarized police in armored personnel carriers with 50 caliber machine guns pointed at nonviolent protesters.”

Tom Engelhardt: Murder, He Said, America’s Maestro of Death and Destruction

“Trump has proven to be America’s twenty-first-century maestro of death and destruction, the P.T. Barnum of, as he put it predictively enough in his Inaugural Address, “American carnage.” In fact, he’s been a master of carnage in a way no one could then have imagined.”

Democracy Now! How Fascism Works: Trump’s “Law and Order” Is Lawlessness, Fueling Racist Violence and Chaos

“…to connect these dots, from the Republican National Convention to white supremacists in the streets of U.S. cities to the president’s embrace of fringe conspiracy theories…”

Tomgram: Mandy Smithberger, Ending the Pentagon’s Pandemic of Spending

“A Post-Coronavirus Economy Can No Longer Afford to Put the Pentagon First.”

Press Normalizes Trump’s Lawlessness as Use of ‘Tools of Presidency’ to ‘Broaden Appeal’

“USA Today (8/26/20) framed the Trump campaign’s flagrant violation of laws against the use of the Executive Branch for political purposes as a partisan disagreement.”

A Conversation with Noam Chomsky on Trump, Capitalism, and the U.S. Role in the New Cold War

Every major problem we have is global in its scope and requires global cooperation: climate crisis, COVID-19 pandemic, and nuclear war and all require international cooperation. Negotiation and diplomacy are required.

Save the U.S. Postal Service! Reasons the Mail Must Get Through

Neither snow nor rain nor heat nor gloom of night stays these couriers from the swift completion of their appointed rounds.

No to the Cold War (International Panel, Video)

A webinar originating in the UK, with participants from 49 countries worldwide with an array of panelists, including Medea Benjamin, Ajama Baraka, Max Blumenthal and Vijay Prashad. Note that this is a two-hour video, but can be viewed or listened to in parts. Organising Statement: A New Cold War against China is against the interests […]

Lee Camp, The ‘Threat’ of Peace and Media Dupes: Connecting the Dates on Russia Bounties Bombshell

“I’m referring to is how our military industrial complex (with the help of our ruling elite and our corporate media) have stopped Trump from pushing us toward the brink of peace. …Yes, the brink of peace.”