Tag Archives: NATO

VIDEO: Former top Pentagon advisor Col. Doug Macgregor on Russia-Ukraine war

Macgregor blasted the “uniparty” that drove the war from Washington and heaped criticism on NATO.

Chris Hedges: Worthy and Unworthy Victims

Worthy victims allow citizens to see themselves as empathetic, compassionate, and just. Worthy victims are an effective tool to demonize the aggressor. They are used to obliterate nuance and ambiguity.

Chris Hedges: Chronicle of a War Foretold

“The war industry did not intend to shrink its power or its profits. It set out almost immediately to recruit the former Communist Bloc countries into the European Union and NATO. Countries that joined NATO, which now include Poland, Hungary, the Czech Republic, Bulgaria, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Albania, Croatia, Montenegro, and North Macedonia were forced to reconfigure their militaries, often through hefty loans, to become compatible with NATO military hardware.”

Diana Johnstone: US foreign policy is a cruel sport

What is truly diabolical is that, while constantly accusing the Russian bear of plotting to expand, the whole policy is directed at goading it into expanding!  Because then we can issue punishing sanctions, raise the Pentagon budget a few notches higher and tighten the NATO Protection Racket noose tighter around our precious European “allies.”

John Pilger: Have Western Democracies Mutated Into War Propagandists?

“The war hysteria that has rolled in like a tidal wave in recent weeks and months is the most striking example. Known by its jargon, “shaping the narrative,” much if not most of it is pure propaganda.”

We Never Wanted War with Russia over Ukraine! by Mary Beaudoin

NATO should stop expanding and should be ended forever.

Coleen Rowley: What are the Prospects for Peace?

“The U.S. always portrays itself as the greatest force on the planet for peace, justice, human rights, racial equality, etc. Polls tell us that most other nations actually regard the U.S. as the greatest threat to stability. What in your view is the truth here?”

Hedges: The Collective Suicide Machine and the Fall of Kabul

The return of the Taliban to power will be one more signpost of the end of the American empire — and nobody will be held accountable.

Is Russia truly our enemy? by Bruce Gagnon

“Capitalism’s need to control and consume resources is what drives most of these current war mongering activities.”

Diana Johnstone: The Imperialism of Foolery

“The real existing conflict in Syria today is not between Bachar al Assad and 65 exiled intellectuals.  Proclaiming “support” for Westernized intellectual opponents of Assad is totally irrelevant to the existing situation. “

How the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons Impacts the United States, and Why the United States Must Embrace its Entry into Force

“President-elect Biden faces many nuclear weapons policy challenges as he takes office. Under the Trump administration, the United States withdrew from [several key treaties around nuclear weapons issues] and did not extend New START, all while urging other countries to not join, or even to withdraw their ratifications to, the TPNW. The United States has a chance to return to the table on multilateral nuclear negotiations and build back better.”

Diana Johnstone talks about her new book, Circle in the Darkness

“[Johnstone] recounts in detail how the Western left betrayed its historical principles of social justice and peace and let itself be lured into approval of aggressive U.S.-NATO wars on the fallacious grounds of “human rights”.

Women Against Military Madness Responds to the COVID-19 Pandemic

“Now more than ever we recognize our solidaruty with people at home and around the world.” Kristin Dooley, WAMM Director

Chris Hedges on Biden vs. Trump, Bernie Sanders, Corporate Media, Assange & State of the Left

A fixed election system, mainstream corporate media, and more.

War, U.S. Imperialism, Women and the Environment

“Well-behaved women rarely make history.”

Defender Europe 20: US to practice invasion of Europe, by Kate Hudson

“Defender Europe 20, NATO’s biggest wargames for over 25 years, is getting under way this month. 20,000 US troops are participating in the US’s largest deployment to Europe in over quarter of a century.”

March on the Pentagon Rages Against the War Machine, by Emma Fiala

In our short existence, it has been a priority of March on the Pentagon to effectively communicate that we are also against the bipartisan war machine and all of the war, all of the imperialism, and all of the ways each and every one of us is affected.  WAMM board members Carol Walker, Sarah Martin, […]

NATO Should Be Dissolved, by Medea Benjamin

“In an age where people around the world want to avoid war and to focus instead on the climate chaos that threatens future life on earth, NATO is an anachronism.”

Under the Shield: U.S. Nuclear Missiles in Europe

U.S. missiles in Europe and worldwide: costs, nuclear weapons race, what the withdrawal from the INF Treaty means

War Propaganda and the US-NATO “War of Terror” Against Syria and Its People, by Mark Taliano

Washington-led NATO has always sought to destroy Syria as a functioning state. In order to achieve this goal, its air campaign and its terrorists have continuously targeted infrastructure. Schools, hospitals, and their employees have been targeted for either for destruction or for repurposing to suit terrorist requirements. The terrorists have always sought to impose their will […]